Thursday, 20 February 2014

Medallion update

Okay so I'm not so hot on following instructions, I do read everything but then kind of forget it when I'm sewing. I have messed up the size of the central piece and I'm not linking up as I should but there you go. I am going to try and follow the instructions from here in. But I'm not going to beat myself up if I go astray either as I like to call it, getting lost in my fabric fog!


  1. I'm following the make it up as you go along with guidelines route 2 so not too bothered about the dimensions either! Just have to make sure they are divisible by a whole number excluding seam to fit a border on. Your centre piece looks great!

  2. To hell with instructions, this looks fab. I've messed up the measurements on my latest border too if it's any consolation. Quilt maths is so not my strong point. Keep going cos this is so beautiful!

  3. Who cares what size that gorgeous Dresden is - I think it's a real stunner and can't wait to see where you go from here!

  4. it looks gorgeous, it can be more fun to go off piste

  5. This is so beautiful! Love pink and orange together
